Visual Arts

Through the study of various artists, their perspectives and themes, students come to value the power of the arts from a personal, historical, and sociological perspective. Instruction in the visual arts classes focus on the development of the student’s imagination, creativity and original thinking. Inquiry is central to the creative process.

Through differentiation we accommodate the learning styles, experiences, and mind-sets of individual students. A wide variety of materials and techniques are used to meet the needs of the diverse community at ISPS, establishing a dynamic learning environment. Through collaborative projects the visual arts program, whenever possible, is linked to other subject areas.

The visual arts curriculum is designed around three essential strands, the Language of Visual Arts; that is the elements of art and design, Art Production; the use of materials and techniques and Art Aesthetics; a social and historical context of Visual Art.

ISPS also offers Advanced Placement Studio Art in three categories: Drawing, 2D Design, and 3D Design.