Health Center
The Health Center is is equipped to deal with all minor and initial emergency concerns that arise at the school. The clinic is staffed by a full time School Nurse.
The school has a health policy to encourage wellness and prevent illness among students. The details are found in the school handbook. Vision and speech and hearing screening is conducted annually.
In the event of any medical emergency; we have protocols in place to ensure that this will be dealt with safely and professionally, to allow the best possible care for each child.
Within the school we promote first aid training for all our teachers and non-teaching staff. All security personnel are qualified first aiders.
According to the laws of Trinidad and Tobago all students are required to be immunized against childhood illnesses. Therefore parents are asked to submit copies of their child/children's immunization card on admission.
It is the goal of ISPS to provide the safest and most health conscious environment possible for students and staff.
Therefore, we ask you to keep your child home and inform the school if he or she:
- Has a fresh respiratory illness, i.e. a runny nose, wet cough or requires frequent medication.
- Has a fever or has had a temperature >100F/38 degrees C in the last 24 hours.
- Is vomiting or has diarrhea.
- Is on the first 24 hours of antibiotics for strep throat or other related streptococcal infection. If symptoms are not markedly improved, he/she should stay home for the first 48 hours of antibiotic therapy.
- Has any contagious skin rashes such as impetigo or infected draining wounds.
- Has any communicable childhood illness.
A Doctor’s letter of fitness to attend classes should be submitted on return to school. Report to the nurse before returning to class.
Head Lice
Head-lice is a common problem for school children. Complete eradication is impossible, but prompt detection, effective treatment, and prevention can maintain control. If you suspect that your son/daughter has head lice, we suggest the following:
- Check all other members of the family.
- All persons in the household who have head lice must be treated. If there are any known allergies, consult a physician before using any treatment
- When shampooing:
1. Use shampoo only as directed on the label
2. Remove nits - Everyone who is treated must be re-treated as indicated on the medication instructions.
- Wash (using very hot water) all clothing, towels, and bed linens. Dry these in the dryer. All clothing and personal items like brushes and combs should be washed separately, in hot water and/or dry- cleaned.
- Vacuum carpet and upholstered material frequently.
School Procedures
- Students identified with lice are seen by the school nurse and parents are notified on the same day. The student may go home at the end of the day with medicated shampoo provided by the school nurse if available. Parents may opt to use other methods/medicinal options to address the presence of lice in their children’s hair.
- Identified children must be inspected by the school nurse prior to their return to class the following day to ensure that treatment has been given and that communication of lice to other children is no longer a possibility.
Please notify the nurse if your child has head lice and when you start the treatment.
Medications & Treatment
We realize that children will have some minor discomforts and injuries at school. You have the option of having the Nurse give the medication you have given consent for or giving you a call. It is our policy that only the medications on the form be kept and administered at school and will only be done with your permission.
Students may bring routine oral medications and give them to the nurse to be administered. A note from the parent must accompany the medication identifying the medication, the time it should be given, and special care (such as refrigeration) needed.
Cuts and scrapes at school will be cleaned with soap and water then a Band-Aid is applied. If your child has any sensitivity to the treatment or you disagree with any part of the procedure, please indicate it on your emergency card. If your child has sensitivity to bee or wasp stings and has ever had a severe reaction, please indicate this on your card. This could be very important on field trips.
Alexandria Boland
ISPS Medical Form
It is important to complete the ISPS Medical Form with all appropriate phone numbers and to update these phone numbers as they change. Please also list a friend or neighbor who knows your child in case we cannot reach you.
It is important to list any drug, food or environmental allergies as well as any health problems on the card provided. It is imperative that you identify any special health problems such as diabetes, seizures, asthma, frequent nosebleeds or ADHD. We need specific instructions for care and medications. These should be discussed with the nurse early in the school year if possible.
If your child becomes ill during the day, we will contact you to pick up your child. In case of emergency, the school staff will attempt to reach a parent but if the situation cannot wait, we will transport the student to Westshore Hospital/your Requested Hospital and continue to try to reach you.