Middle School Students will be able to enjoy these facilities:
Middle School Classrooms
Our spacious classrooms are equipped with interactive smart boards and multi-media learning technology giving our students the most u-to-date technology at their fingertips. Students also have available to them wireless internet, accessibility to Mac Books and an overhead projector.
Science Lab
The science labs are complete with teaching facilities and special presentation areas for sharing findings. The labs are fully equipped for hands-on instruction, including performing chemical experiments.
Tinker Tank & Robotics and Innovation Labs
These purpose built labs were created for students to explore their creativity and learn the application of design, robotics, building and technology using cutting edge equipment and technology, including a well equipped wood working shop.
Music Room
Music instruction occurs in various ways at every grade level.
Art Room
Students are able to work with and explore a variety of media in our art studio.
Counselor Office
The counselors at ISPS are committed to working with students, families, and teachers providing supportive services. The offices are centrally located on campus and are easily accessible.
Playing Field
With its paved track and large football field, our North Field is the perfect location for our Annual Sports Day. Students enjoy football matches during break and lunch times as well as after-school football practice. We host games against other schools as well as the regional CAISSA football matches on this field.