
International School of Port of Spain

Financial Grant Form

At the International School of Port of Spain we believe that creating a diverse but cohesive community of students, faculty, staff and parents from many backgrounds—socio-economic, ethnic, racial, linguistic, national, and religious—is vital to our mission of creating responsible global citizens and passionate, critical thinkers.

We also recognise that the COVID -19 pandemic has impacted many families, both here in Trinidad & Tobago, and globally. The year ahead holds many uncertainties for our families, and in light of this, ISPS is committed to our current families who have been directly affected financially.

We have always provided financial assistance to ISPS families undergoing temporary hardships. We want to retain qualified students, regardless of their families ability to pay.

To apply for consideration for an ISPS Grant please complete the Financial Grant Form below.

A financial grant is based on documented financial need. All financial grant applications are subject to verification, and should discrepancies be discovered in the information provided to the Financial Grant Committee, we reserve the right to withdraw financial assistance at any time during the school year.  

Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
We have been at ISPS (xx) year(s).
Have you received financial assistance from ISPS in the past?
My son/daughter’s grades or Grade Point Average.
Total Taxable Income Before Taxes
Salary and Wages (combined)           
Dividend and/or Interest Income
Alimony Received
Total Non-Taxable Income
Child Support Received
Disability / Relevant Benefits
Other Information
Housing (rent /mortgage)
Is housing subsidized by your company?
Does your company pay for a portion of tuition:
We declare that this information reported on this form is true, correct and complete.  We agree to submit an official copy of our latest income tax return, which will be treated confidentially.
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format